Credible Witnesses for Car Accidents

Car accidents can be extremely complex to resolve especially when the drivers involved are blaming one another. Credible witnesses can make all the difference in the world in establishing fault for the accident and to help you support your claims.

Insurance companies are notorious for looking for ways to avoid paying out for damages. This includes attacking the credibility of witnesses. While it may be exciting to find witnesses that will support your claims regarding the accident, it’s important to determine how credible they are ahead of time. This is especially important when an injury is involved and you are looking for compensation.

A car accident attorney can help determine the credibility of all of the witnesses that saw the accident. When you are looking for compensation, get a lawyer involved. Not only can the attorney establish your rights to receive fair compensation but can do the background work involved in determining witness credibility.

Witness Characteristics

It’s important to ensure that your witness is an asset for your case and isn’t a liability. In order to be deemed credible, the following factors must be considered:

  • Strong moral fiber and character
  • Not a personal friend or a relative
  • Mentally healthy
  • Drug and alcohol-free when the accident occurred
  • Undistracted and clear view of the accident

Factors That Negatively Impact the Credibility of Witnesses

It’s important to remember that the defense counsel will do everything possible to discredit the witnesses when they are supporting your claims. Some of the factors that the defense will consider when trying to punch a hole in your case include the following:

  • Witnesses with a problem articulating
  • Distracted witnesses
  • Witnesses with a financial interest in the outcome of the case
  • Inconsistent accounts of what occurred
  • Witnesses that didn’t view the whole accident

There are times when an incredible witness can do more harm than good for your case. If your car accident lawyer feels that this is a possibility, the witness may not be called to testify at all.

While credible witnesses definitely help your argument, they don’t necessarily guarantee that the outcome of the case will be positive for you. There may be defense witnesses that provide an account of the accident that is completely different from the testimony provided by your witnesses. When you work with a car accident lawyer he will examine all of the potential witnesses to let you know what to expect.

Insurance companies do everything possible to protect themselves when an accident occurs. Battling an insurance company to make sure that you get everything you deserve should not be done on your own. To receive the fair and just compensation you deserve you’ll need to work with a lawyer that is experienced in dealing with insurance companies and understands how they operate.

Visit this site to find a trusted car accident lawyer that will investigate your case thoroughly, will negotiate with the insurance company to get maximum compensation, and will do everything possible to advocate for your rights on your behalf.

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