
Guide to Criminal Law and Restraining Orders in Boston Massachusetts

Explore the complexities of criminal law and restraining orders in Boston, Massachusetts. Your go-to guide for legal processes and rights. Discover crucial information to navigate the legal landscape effectively.


Navigating the legal landscape of criminal law and restraining orders in Boston, Massachusetts requires a comprehensive understanding of the processes and rights involved. This guide aims to provide you with a detailed overview, shedding light on essential aspects to empower you with knowledge.

If you find yourself in need of legal guidance in Boston, Massachusetts, don’t hesitate to visit Markey Law for expert advice and assistance.

Guide to Criminal Law in Boston

Understanding Criminal Offenses

Delve into the various criminal offenses that can occur in Boston, Massachusetts. From misdemeanors to felonies, know your legal terrain and potential consequences.

Legal Procedures for Criminal Cases

Navigate the intricate legal procedures involved in criminal cases. From arrest to trial, gain insights into what to expect and how to protect your rights at each stage.

Role of Criminal Defense Attorneys

Discover the pivotal role criminal defense attorneys play in safeguarding your interests. Learn about your rights, defense strategies, and how legal professionals can advocate for you.

Restraining Orders in Boston Massachusetts

What Is a Restraining Order?

A restraining order, also referred to as an abuse prevention order, is a legal directive issued by a court to safeguard individuals from harassment, abuse, or threats of violence. In Massachusetts, various types of restraining orders exist, each serving a distinct purpose.

Common categories include:

  1. 209A Abuse Prevention Orders: These orders are typically pursued by individuals who have experienced or fear abuse from a family or household member. They offer protection for a duration of up to one year and, in certain circumstances, even longer.
  2. 258E Harassment Prevention Orders: Geared towards shielding individuals from harassment that doesn’t involve a family or household relationship, these orders can be sought against individuals like neighbors, co-workers, or acquaintances.

Types of Restraining Orders

Explore the different types of restraining orders available in Boston. Whether it’s an emergency or long-term order, understand the nuances of each and when they may be necessary.

Process of Obtaining a Restraining Order

Uncover the step-by-step process involved in obtaining a restraining order. From filing the petition to attending court hearings, know what to expect and how to present your case effectively.

Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Understand your rights and responsibilities when a restraining order is in place. This section explores the impact of restraining orders on both the petitioner and the respondent.

Challenging a False Restraining Order: Reasons to Consider

False restraining orders can have a profound impact on various aspects of life, influencing personal connections, family dynamics, and even career opportunities. Navigating the intricate legal procedures involved in obtaining or defending against such orders can be overwhelming. However, a proficient restraining order attorney can offer expert guidance and representation, striving to secure the most favorable outcome for their clients. The restraining order lawyers at Markey Law Partners are ready to assist you!

  1. Unjust Issuance: If you suspect that the order was granted based on fraudulent, false, incomplete, or inaccurate information, our legal team can support you in building a compelling case to have it nullified.
  2. Changed Circumstances: Substantial changes in circumstances since the order’s issuance, such as improved relationships or participation in counseling, may justify a reevaluation.
  3. Lack of Continued Fear: If the conditions that led to the issuance of the restraining order no longer present a threat, you may have valid grounds for seeking to have the order lifted.

Domestic Violence Cases

Addressing Domestic Violence Allegations

Navigate the complexities of domestic violence cases. Learn how these cases are handled in Boston and the legal measures in place to protect victims.

Legal Resources for Domestic Violence Survivors

Explore the support and resources available for domestic violence survivors in Boston. From shelters to counseling services, discover avenues for assistance.


Q: What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

A: Misdemeanors generally result in less severe penalties than felonies. Felonies are more serious crimes and carry heavier consequences, including longer prison sentences.

Q: How long does it take to obtain a restraining order in Boston?

A: The timeframe varies, but emergency orders can be obtained quickly, while long-term orders may take a few weeks, depending on court availability.

Q: Can I defend myself without a criminal defense attorney?

A: While you have the right to represent yourself, it’s advisable to seek professional legal help. Criminal defense attorneys have the expertise to navigate complex legal proceedings.

Q: Are restraining orders permanent?

A: Restraining orders can be temporary or permanent, depending on the circumstances. Permanent orders are usually issued after a court hearing.

Q: What constitutes domestic violence?

A: Domestic violence includes any pattern of abusive behavior used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. It can be physical, emotional, or psychological.

Q: Where can domestic violence survivors seek help in Boston?

A: Boston provides various resources, including shelters, counseling services, and legal aid for domestic violence survivors. Reach out to local organizations for assistance.


This comprehensive guide has unveiled the intricacies of criminal law and restraining orders in Boston, Massachusetts. Armed with this knowledge, you can navigate the legal landscape with confidence. Remember, seeking professional advice when facing legal challenges is crucial.

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