The Complete and Only Law Firm Marketing Checklist You’ll Ever Need

As a lawyer, it can be difficult to maintain a marketing mentality every day. However, if you want to grow your law firm, then you must focus on your marketing plan.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a mapped-out law firm marketing strategy; we’ve got you covered. So keep reading to get your step-by-step checklist for how to grow your leads and your firm today.

1. Determine Where You Stand Right Now

Before you start any project, you must know where you currently stand. Otherwise, you risk changing something that is working and ignoring another aspect that isn’t. So, take the time to sit down and assess your current marketing plan.

The best place to start is to perform a website audit. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and your website must depict a professional and expert representation of your law firm.

And don’t forget that Google is prioritizing page experience. Does your website load quickly? Is your site easy to navigate, and can visitors quickly find what they’re seeking?

Second, look at how many leads you are currently getting each month. Does your website bring in new leads organically from searches and referrals? If not, then this needs to be a priority in your marketing plan.

2. Think Local for Your Law Firm Marketing Plan

As you build your marketing plan, you can’t ignore the local aspect. The fact of the matter is that “near me” searches have proliferated online. So, if you want to improve your local law firm marketing, then you need to focus on ranking for these types of searches.

The best way to do that is to optimize your Google My Business profile. So, if you stopped at the average NAP profile (name, address, phone number), then you have a long way to go.

You must optimize your profile with images, a complete description, and ensure that all your contact information is meticulously accurate. You can also create regular posts in your GMB profile, just as you do with your blog and social media profiles.

Additionally, don’t forget to ask for reviews from your current clients. People want to work with companies they trust and the best way to establish that trust is through reviews.

When you focus on your local efforts, the next time someone searches for the best lawyer near me, then you can rest assured that you will rank the highest.

3. Set Goals for Lead Generation

Without new clients, your law firm won’t stay competitive for long. You must focus on filling your funnel with new leads and converting those leads into paying clients.

There are several ways you can improve your lead generation strategies. You can obtain criminal defense leads and then optimize your website to convert them into clients.

Your website can also bring you new leads every day with well-placed lead magnets that you offer for free in exchange for their coveted contact information. Once you have their name and email address, stay front and center with regular emails and a monthly newsletter.

4. Build Your Brand Online

The first thing anyone will do once they’ve heard of your law firm is to search for you. What will they find? Take the time to search for yourself and ensure that your online brand represents your law firm accurately and optimally.

Are your social profiles up to date and inviting? Do you have reviews and testimonials prominently displayed on your home page? Can your customers browse your GMB profile and immediately know how you can help them and how to contact you?

Your online brand profile is essential to growing your business. And your marketing plan must focus on this if you want to scale your lead generation and expand your firm.

5. Develop a Plan to Follow up With New Leads

As mentioned earlier, you must optimize your website for conversions. All the traffic in the world won’t mean anything if you can’t connect with them and turn them into paying clients. So, develop a plan of action that outlines how you’ll stay in contact with new leads.

Regardless of how you attract new lead generation, you must keep them warm with an automated funnel. Create a nurture sequence that automatically sends messages to all new leads so that you build that rapport that will translate into new clients.

Additionally, have a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system that allows you to track your new leads and shows you the next steps that must be taken to move them along in your funnel. From phone calls to emails and even direct mailers, you must have a system in place so that every new lead you acquire has the potential to turn into your next big client.

6. Measure and Track Your Efforts

You must know which leads bring you the most clients so that you can focus your efforts where it matters. And you must know which free offers eventually convert the highest.

Each aspect of your client generation funnel must be tracked and measured so you can make educated and optimized changes that will continue to grow your business. As you work on your marketing strategy, take the time to track your efforts so you can focus on the highest ROI activities.

Turn Prospects Into Clients With This Checklist

For the smart marketing experts, it doesn’t matter what tactics you use to increase your leads. What matters is that you create a plan and follow your checklist. From chatbots to direct mailers, you can use our checklist for all your marketing needs.

So, when it comes to creating your law firm marketing plan, take the time to assess where you stand and then set your goals appropriately. Don’t forget to focus on your local marketing and build your brand online. Finally, be sure to track your efforts so you know what’s working and what needs to be further optimized.

For more great information on this and other legal issues, check out the rest of our blog.

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