What to Do in the Case of an Uber Driver Accident

Around 77% of all drivers will be involved in a car accident at some point in their life. For an Uber driver, this incident could happen while they have a customer in their car. Anyone who relies on Uber for transportation should be prepared in the event of an Uber driver accident.

Of course, anyone who drives for a living increases their chances of getting into an accident. It’s wise for passengers to know what to do in the event of an accident to protect themselves. This is especially important if injuries are involved.

To find out exactly what to do, keep reading below.

Immediately After an Uber Driver Accident

The moments immediately following an Uber driver accident are crucial for claiming damages later. Follow these steps diligently:

  1. Check everyone involved for injuries, and call the paramedics if necessary
  2. Call the police and file a police report with them
  3. Take pictures of the scene, from up close and far away
  4. Collect information like the names of all those involved, the time, the date, and all insurance information
  5. Report the incident through the Uber app

Steps 1 through 4 are also useful tips to follow in any kind of accident.


Uber Driver Insurance Policies

The insurance situation for Uber drivers is a bit complex, which is why it’s advisable to check out a law firm for professional legal assistance. Previously, Uber did not cover their drivers, but the drivers’ personal insurance often would not cover accidents that occurred during this commercial transaction of services. Now, there are a few different levels of supplementary insurance Uber provides to its driver.

This supplementary insurance is only provided when the Uber driver taps “Go” in their Uber app. If the app is on, but the driver does not have a passenger, Uber provides a low level of liability insurance. This coverage is at least:

  • $50,000 for bodily injury
  • $100,000 for the accident
  • $25,000 for property damage

Once the driver accepts a trip, a high level of coverage kicks in, specifically, at least $1,000,000 in third-party liability coverage. It’s a good idea to understand the specifics of Uber insurance policies to know how any damages will be covered.

Claiming Damages from Uber

In the days following the accident, a representative of Uber and an insurance agent from Uber’s insurance provider should contact you. They may offer a refund for the trip, but the most important offer is part of the $1,000,000 policy for third-party damages.

Even if the Uber driver is at fault, part of that liability amount is still available for you to claim. Uber may try to fight the case, which only make retaining a lawyer that much more important.

More Pertinent Legal Guides

Any Uber driver is likely to get into an Uber driver accident at some point, but claiming damages gets complicated because Uber drivers are independent contractors, not employees. If Uber decides to fight the claims of the passenger, it can be difficult to receive damages without professional legal help. Consider retaining a lawyer as soon as possible after an Uber driver accident.

For more useful legal guides, take a second to browse our page.

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